IC Payment Instructions
  1. Click on IC Payment.
  2. Enter the Name and Password for your Infinite Campus account.
  3. Select the fees you would like to make a payment for and click Next Page.
  4. Confirm the fees you have selected and click “Go to Checkout”.
  5. If you are a new customer, select “I am a new customer.”
  6. Enter your email address and “Sign in.”
  7. If you are a returning customer, select “I am a returning customer.”
  8. Enter your email address, password, and select “Sign in.”
  9. Enter your Billing and Payment Information.
  10. Create password if required.
  11. Verify information for accuracy and select “Complete Order.”

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Forgotten your web store password?
Click Password Reminder, enter your email address and click arrow. Your password will be emailed to you shortly.

Forgotten your Infinite Campus password? Contact your child's school.